onsdag 25 november 2009
söndag 25 oktober 2009
måndag 5 oktober 2009
The collecting of data, looking at it and thinking of how do make it come together, what the different things are that I'm comparing and how people interpret the question and the symbols(smileys), I realise that this is the most exciting thing. All the little short stories on each note, that people helpfully share because I'm in need of their help for this survey. The answers relate directly to feelings and moods, some are very brief and some very personal. They also relate to current events, such as exam-times, roodwork and swineflu.
Collecting data!
I've been collecting data at different days, different times of the day. The results vary, depending on time of the day, with happier results in the afternoon than at 10-11am. The wheater plays a huge role in the results too - a lot of the results relate too, and comment on wheather also.
The test is anonymous, but I mark on a map where I was when I spoke to each person and what time it was. The reactions vary, but most are very positive and very helpful. Many ask for the connection to architecture!
Site; Albert Park
tisdag 15 september 2009
onsdag 26 augusti 2009
How to do it, how to show it?
I'm thinking of running tests in a smaller area to see how people react or if I have to rethink this a lot... My aim would be a to find a resonable sized and interesting area and try to map the emotions during a time fram. The former emotional maps that I find vary a lot in terms of mapped area and graphic design.

It might be interesting to make a series of maps, colours or some kind of markings changing according to the mood, and I also like the idea of comments to make it feel more accesible in a way, this is all anonymous but yet the readers get access to very personal thoughts and feelings.

I feel so loved - sharing online

tisdag 25 augusti 2009
We are so controlled by our feelings when it comes to what our choices, where we go, who we meet, the clothes we wear and the food we eat. Also in a dense city the amount of ways we percieve a place varies in the infinite, but are there patterns? How much in common do we have when we experience a place, how much does place affect emotion?
Or are we just really closed up in our own thoughts, things that will happen later/happened earlier/is said on a cellphone, and the result will come out totally random?
From the readings I was interested in the idea of making invisible visible, even if its hard to do that in a scientific way when it comes to emotion, I think the results could be interesting...sharing city sharing emotions?
I was also interested in the De Certeau-text, how memories and events make space into place, the huge meaning of the associations we have for a certain place.
Or are we just really closed up in our own thoughts, things that will happen later/happened earlier/is said on a cellphone, and the result will come out totally random?
From the readings I was interested in the idea of making invisible visible, even if its hard to do that in a scientific way when it comes to emotion, I think the results could be interesting...sharing city sharing emotions?
I was also interested in the De Certeau-text, how memories and events make space into place, the huge meaning of the associations we have for a certain place.
Mapping feelings, or emotional experiences in a city(Auckland CBD), preferably over time, perhaps over a short period of time.
"A bottle of Mumm and a packet of Pringles was all it took. Oh and a good sunset."
-map my London user: TwoTaureansTitle:EngagementWhere: Streatham Common, with a view towards Ikea Year: 2003Theme: love
I realise when researching, that there are maps like this online, one interesting one is this one of London, sponsored by museum of London, where visitors freely upload their memories under categories combined with comments.
It's not the only one of it's kind, one more techniqual way is the one by Christian Nold in 2007 of SanFransisco, where the person who's emotions are being mapped straps on a device, measuring the excitement of the wearer through the skin. More exactly how that works I'm not sure.
"A bottle of Mumm and a packet of Pringles was all it took. Oh and a good sunset."
-map my London user: TwoTaureansTitle:EngagementWhere: Streatham Common, with a view towards Ikea Year: 2003Theme: love
I realise when researching, that there are maps like this online, one interesting one is this one of London, sponsored by museum of London, where visitors freely upload their memories under categories combined with comments.
It's not the only one of it's kind, one more techniqual way is the one by Christian Nold in 2007 of SanFransisco, where the person who's emotions are being mapped straps on a device, measuring the excitement of the wearer through the skin. More exactly how that works I'm not sure.
This webpages I've found throughhttp://fringehog.com/blog/uncategorized/ a blog with a lot of cool thoughts on the subject
söndag 23 augusti 2009
hopefully this post is now of a video :) At least it should be a link. This video is interesting because it runs over the time of just one day in a city.
I've been thinking about making my project a map over time, or just a short timespan. First I was interested of making it over something quite intaginble like emotions in places around the cbd and the change of the feeling of places over 24 hours. It would be (or at least could be) very subjective, but it could also be possible to somehow collect info on this.
I dont know if this could be a series of maps or an animation, but the emotions expressed could be fear, happyness, stress etc.
It could also be more tangible like a map over nightlife to see which parts of the cbd is empty/populated during the hours of the night. I mean, mapping the routes taken by people going out/around/home. This is interesting, because, at least for me Auckland is a quite large city, although some other new students here feel quite the opposite though they're from even larger ones. Anyway, its a city that feels quite safe to move around in, after dark, as long as you stick to some areas.
I've been thinking about making my project a map over time, or just a short timespan. First I was interested of making it over something quite intaginble like emotions in places around the cbd and the change of the feeling of places over 24 hours. It would be (or at least could be) very subjective, but it could also be possible to somehow collect info on this.
I dont know if this could be a series of maps or an animation, but the emotions expressed could be fear, happyness, stress etc.
It could also be more tangible like a map over nightlife to see which parts of the cbd is empty/populated during the hours of the night. I mean, mapping the routes taken by people going out/around/home. This is interesting, because, at least for me Auckland is a quite large city, although some other new students here feel quite the opposite though they're from even larger ones. Anyway, its a city that feels quite safe to move around in, after dark, as long as you stick to some areas.
tisdag 11 augusti 2009
söndag 9 augusti 2009
söndag 2 augusti 2009
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